Hertford Town Council gives Save Beane Marshes a £30,000 boost

Hertford Town Council have shown amazing support for Save Beane Marshes by giving a £30,000 grant which will be provided once the rest of the funds are raised. This money has been granted from the New Homes Bonus Grant Fund see https://www.hertford.gov.uk/page-new-homes-bonus-grant-funding-90/

This gives our campaign a massive boost and brings us significantly closer to reaching our overall target of £165,000

It means that we have raised around £128,000 to date

Hannah Lilley for Save Beane Marshes said:

“Thanks to the generous donations of the community, and the support of the Town Council we are getting far closer to achieving our goal of raising £165,000. We are now only around £37,000 away from reaching this target. We never imagined when we started our campaign to achieve this level of support. We hope that this will encourage other donations.”

John Howson for Save Beane Marshes said:

“Support of the Town Council underlines the importance of this wonderful natural resource in the heritage of Hertford. What better way of investing the town’s money than in the future of our natural environment. Thank you Hertford Town Council”