Save Beane Marshes group has seen a huge amount of progress in 2022. The first and perhaps most importantly a fence was erected around the field and cattle brought onto the field to graze.
John Howson of Save Beane Marshes explained: “Many unwanted weeds such as nettles were growing on the marshes. Grazing cattle helps reduce this type of growth and allow species useful to wildlife to get a foothold. We are therefore very pleased that the Wildlife Trust managed to erect fences and put cattle on the land.”
Save Beane Marshes were delighted to receive two prestigious awards from CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) Hertfordshire in October.
The CPRE Hertfordshire Award for “Improving and protecting the environment” celebrates the achievements of individuals and groups who have worked to protect, promote and enhance the countryside for the benefit of their local population. Eleven different initiatives had been nominated for this award..
The award was for raising over £120,000 for the purchase of the Marshes plus an
additional £30,000 from Hertford Town Council.
This allowed the marshes to be purchased by Hertford and Middlesex Wildlife Trust for the
preservation of wildlife and for the local community.
Hannah Lilley of Save Beane Marshes said:
“It was a fantastic privilege to receive this award and it is testimony to the amazing
generosity and hard work of the local community.
We’d like to thank everyone involved for all their hard work.”
Save Beane Marshes also received a CPRE gold standard award.
On Sunday 27th of November Hertford and Middlesex Wildlife Trust had a community engagement event that allowed local people to follow the progress of the marsh. Information about the site and it’s wildlife, and plans for the future were shared together with information on volunteering.